Monday, July 23, 2007

It has been too long

And I have been too busy.

Some highlights:

Traveling much due to work. I have been to Northwest Ohio, Cincinnati, and Columbus (tried to stop in at R and J's but they were not home) on a quick business trip.

I have been to Savannah GA for a trade show. I rode the Juliette Gordon Low water taxi (for you GS's) from my hotel to the down town business area across the Savannah River. It was also fun to watch the multiple container ships traversing the river Then off to the mountains of NC, all on business.

I have been to Atlanta, GA, again on business.

I have been working on the cars here to keep them running properly, doing oil changes, routine maintenance, and fixing a couple of minor issues. I now do my own oil changes because the people that we had previously taken the cars to did not put the oil plug back in tightly, leaving an oil leak and a potential for catastrophic damage to A's car and did not fill up the oil as needed in the Van. I am also being environmentally responsible by recycling the oil properly and disposing of the oil filter at a hazardous material disposal site maintained by the county.

Yesterday, I went to see B and K in VA. B was asking for help on some electrical issues regarding his fish tank and refrigerator. It seems both the fish tanks and his refrigerator are all on the same 15A service breaker. Every once in a while, the breaker would trip causing issues for the food and for the fish.

So, B and I ran a new dedicated circuit for the refrigerator; ran a new, dedicated circuit with 4-GFCI protected outlets for the downstairs tank; and changed out a standard duplex receptacle making 4 GFCI protected outlets for the upstairs tank.

The hardest part about doing the electrical work was moving around in the crawl space. In a old house, there is not much room under it for two big guys.

BTW, B and K are doing great.

Hope all of you have been safe and healthy.

1 comment:

Carol P. said...

Thanks for the update. I was wondering what happened to you. I figured it was the doldrums from the Tarheels losing to the Beavers again...

When do you get the NW territory so you come visit us?