Sunday, July 27, 2008

It has been a weekend

Sorry for the long delays in posting. Everyone here has been busy with life, I guess like everywhere else.

C is getting close to completing her volunteer work at the library. For School, she needed to volunteer 60 hours this summer at a non-profit facility. She tried to get many different opportunities, but the library was the only one to respond. Even they were hesitant. But the other day, her supervisor said; "When your 60 hours are up, you cannot leave. You are here permanently." Why, you might ask. Because she shows up with a good attitude, does the work assigned cheerfully, and dresses appropriately for the place, (not like most teenagers). Way to go C.

C is also about half way done toward her GS Gold award. She has about 60 hours of leadership in, but the project is only about 50% done. It will get done, but it will probably be completed when she gets back to school.

A is working at Duke Hospital as a Pharmacy Tech. This week she got 48 hours due to many vacations. She even postponed a vacation she wanted to take to work some extra hours. He boss called her aside and told her she too was doing a great job according to the others that work with her. Specifically the Pharmacists have told her boss about the extra things she does. Why, you might ask: Because she shows up on time, does the assigned work cheerfully, pitches in doing other things not required, with a good attitude.

K is helping C with the GS Gold Award project. Because it is a sewing type project, and K is our resident sewing expert, she is helping C correct many of the issues created by other people that apparently cannot follow printed directions. Difficult things like making a 1/4 inch seam allowance 1/4 inches (not 3/8 or more), and using the right side of the piece.

I have been in car maintenance mode this weekend. Today was fix the shifter and install new front struts on A's car, yesterday was troubleshoot and repair a smog system on C's car, then help my next door neighbor move a heavy piece of equipment (1200 pounds) from his house to a shop in High Point, about 10 miles away. I also did some research on HD radios as C wants to put one in her car.

Earlier this week, I got a chance to stop by and see MEH up in MD. As always, it was great to see her and to again get caught up on the various facets of both of our lives. And she has the cutest new puppy, a Jack Russell terrier named Lorelai, that is just adorable. Not enough to make me want one, but still really cute.

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