Monday, November 06, 2006

Halloween Redo.

I was out of town this past Monday on business, but A came home from the University to early vote. Among other thing, A had yet to put together a Halloween costume and she put K through many gyrations to help.

K, in typical fashion, was able to come through with flying colors, at much motherly sacrifice. K and A worked on her costume, visiting many stores to get the necessary supplies, putting the pieces together and then delivered A back to University at 12:30AM Tuesday, meaning that K did not get home to about 2AM. During this time, K also made the mask for A's roommate B.

C did not dress up for Halloween. Here are a couple of pic's of A's final costume.

The above picture is of B (room mate), A (suite mate) and A.

1 comment:

meh said...

Doneven tell me they haunt you from college for this stuff! The only thing keeping me sane is the thought that in 3 1/2 years we'll be free....props to K for making it happen. I know I wouldn't have the patience (or the talent). Great costume!