Monday, November 06, 2006

Over the weekend

We spent some time at Myrtle Beach. For those on the other coast, this means ocean on the east. We rented a 2 bedroom condo in a 22 story building ending up on the 5th floor. The whole family was together and had an enjoyable weekend.

A and C spent, in more ways than one, much of the weekend together, frequently shopping. It is really fun to see how they get along together so well, 99% of the time anyway. (I am sure K gets tired of me every once in a while). Pic's of A and C are in another post. This one is for the beach type photos.

The above is the view from the rented condo. The temperature outside was in the upper 50's and lower 60's, so not swimming weather, but still fun to walk on the beach.

These two, (above and below) were snapped on the way to the beach, from the boardwalk.

Down the beach a little way was the standard pier. There was trinkets available for purchase from the pier, but we did not let them dip into the wallet.

I thought the view under the pier was an intriguing view.

The below picture was made specifically for my sister LFD, in remembrance of a trip we were on to California for CP's wedding. L took many pictures that trip, several of seagulls, but none of them could be developed as there was no film in her camera.

L, I hope you enjoy the picture!

1 comment:

Carol P. said...

Ahhhh, sunny, dry beach -- looks lovely after our days of rain here. But it's on the wrong side!

Great pix, even if your beaches are too long and flat there...