Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cuz, It was great to see ya

I popped in to see my DC burb cousin MEH yesterday. Although she was not feeling well, it was great to see her, her husband and their children. I was going to take a picture or two, but because ME was not feeling well, the camera was not used.

K and Sh had to go to to a school ensemble concert, so I did not see much of them early, but I stayed long enough to get some conversation afterward.

We discussed much, solved many of the world's problems and in general enjoyed the company. Thanks ME and K for the delightful evening.

1 comment:

meh said...

The pleasure was all ours - and thanks for not taking photos of my feable self. My kids, now, they are always fair game!! Hope the trade winds blow you our way again sometime soon - and when we can be a bit more entertaining!!