Sunday, June 17, 2007

On the way home (Dial-Up Warning)

From Irwin, PA, K and I stopped at the New River Gorge Bridge in Fayette Station, WV. I have driven over it many times, but never stopped to look. K and I have also been under it whitewater rafting, but that was many years ago. This time, we stopped.
This is a bridge they close once per year for about 4-6 hours so that people having a higher level of insanity than me can base jump off, as it is about 1000 feet up from the river bed. On normal days, help vehicles are near-by in case you break down as they want no one on the bridge, to prevent other silly ideas.
A warning to my brother: if you look at the pictures, you will stare at the center of the bridge, and not at the edges, you might fall off.

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