Sunday, September 10, 2006


As K and I are doing some long overdue landscaping, a question arises. Why does it cost so much to get plants? Should they just be scavenged from the wetland/wooded area across the street from my home, (nobody would even know they are gone)?

We rented a tiller and did an area about 90 feet long by 7 feet wide. Initially planted some Leland cypress trees to begging building a sound barrier to block some noise. They are only a foot tall, so the sound barrier is a way off, butcha gotta start somewhere. Soon to be added are Crepe Myrtle and probably some hydrangea. Then a dog wood or two.


Carol P. said...

I keep thinking of planting a Crape Myrtle or two here. Some people can grow them well and some can't, as they get mildewy with our fine wet, cool springs that last 'til July. But we had a couple in the Bay Area and I loved them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug --

If you find yourself near Sandusky, Ohio in the next few weeks, I'm about to do my fall clean-up. That means that I have brown-eyed susan to share and day lillies too. I suspect that Lisa always has some hosta to share. These are perennials which you split in the fall and allow you to share with others. Let me know.
