Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This weeks challenge

A, off at school, got an opportunity to talk with a real faculty advisor today. Seems that only 20% of the Pharmacy School consists of 2+4 program students. Most of the rest are a degree+4, so it could take 8 years at her chosen college. It will take a minimum of 81 credit hours to get into the program for the 2+4 and A is taking 15 this semester. Seems she did not read the recommended course list properly. As it now stands, without summer school, it could take over 9 years to get completely through the program.

The real problem is that we (A and I) discussed course load and keeping pace. The difference between her and I is that I did not know what I wanted to be when I was in the first 3 years of college. At this point, she does, subject to change. Like all of the rest of my brother, sisters and me, don't confuse us with the facts we already know it, so the next short going will be a learning experience for all.

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