Afterward, I called AW to see if she was available for a short visit. As she was home and not previously committed, I stopped by and spent a wonderful evening talking with her and UJ. It was a wide ranging conversation, from Church issues to politics and beyond. Even though politically we do not necessarily agree, the discussion was very lively and thought provoking, an enjoyable evening for all, I believe.
Here is a picture of AW and UJ that I took while I was there.
Um, I hope that was three sisters you said hi to! Otherwise, I think somebody is feeling slighted, and might be in a position to, oh, I don't know, pester your car or something. Because you know how pesky we sisters can be....
Great picture of AW and UJ!
One sister is not at Brush Creek, but at Calvary outside Pittsburgh where AP is.
Um, I don't think that's right. I believe that all 3 sisters are buried at Brush Creek. I verified it with the genealogy records that L sent me back in Dec 2003 (the last electronic update that I got). Both R and J are buried in Brush Creek according to those records.
I believe that the connections to Brush Creek were stronger at that time than the connections to Calvary in Pittsburgh, especially given the concerns about limbo that Mom received since both R and J passed away so quickly.
Also, whenever we went to Pennsylvania when we were kids, we always visited Brush Creek to see our sisters, and never went into Pittsburgh. I don't think Mom would've missed the opportunity to see the other.
If you'd like, I can resend the the .paf files that have the genealogy in them. If nothing else, the replication/backup to another geographic location and computer wouldn't hurt!
Or wait, is L buried on top of AP at Calvary? I thought she was at Brush Creek on top of AN.
Baby sis chiming in here. Mom and Dad always told me that J was buried in Pittsburgh at Calvary. My understanding was that her grave is unmarked and hence, unvisitable.
Easy way to solve? Ask Dad. He was there!
Oh...and L is buried on top of Aunt Nell! (For Carol)
That's what I thought when we were back there; L is on top of AN. But I remember things that happened in the past few years much less clearly than things that happened since I had kids and lost sleep...
I'll look closer at the genealogy records for J; I'd be surprised if L got that wrong, but it's certainly possible.
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