Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fall Break

A is home for fall break. She has no school on Thursday and Friday, part of a planned break for students every fall. (I do not remember having one, but I rode dinosaurs to college, so it was a long time ago.) Before she came home, there was a list of requests/demands that needed to be met as far as food goes, things she misses about home cooking. Frequently, A did not admit to enjoying the cooking at home, but now that it is all institutional, all the time, it appears home cooking is great.

Anyway, here is a picture of A and C, taken today. Glad to have her home, if even for a short visit.


Carol P. said...

When I was in college (we had horses and buggies in Boston by then...), we didn't have "fall break." But we did have several 4-day weekends in the fall semester (and spring semester, for that matter). We mostly used them to catch up on problem sets and more problem sets. And labs, of course...

DF said...

A is spending much of the time studying Chemistry and Biology. And visiting with friends