Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Visiting Family

Yesterday, after work, I stopped in to see R, J and AJ. As always, it was fun to see them. Since I let them know that I was going to stop by, J included me in their dinner, really nice of them. She made a chicken casserole, green beans, and banana bread. For dessert, there was a pumpkin roll. It tasted very good. She is a good cook.

I also went to see AJ play soccer, at least for a half. I watched her score a goal and her team lead 1-0 at the half. It was at that point that I left to drive 7 hours (home thankfully).

There are no pictures because my digital camera batteries died. Maybe next time.


Carol P. said...

So when do you stop by Oregon on your way past??? We're just 7 hours from your house too....

meh said...

hwqyHa! I found you, too. Didn't realize until I looked at my own (forgotten) website that we could link. So now I get to catch up on your family and keep in touch. Good stuff. Can A really be in college already???

JO said...

Okay.....LUVIN your blog name! Keep it goin Big Bro!