Sunday, December 17, 2006

Work Post

At this time of the year, the leaders at the company I work for severely curtail overnight travel for all people. This is fine with me as I get to spend more time with K, A and C.

C has to be either at the school at 5:30Am or at the practice pool (not at her school) at 6 AM. Since I can drive C to either location, get back into bed by 6:15, asleep by 6:20, I really loose no sleep. It is a trait handed down from my mom. Any place, any time, I can fall asleep. But never when driving.

K really appreciates the mandated no travel. Anytime K's feet hit the floor, she will be awake for 2 hours. This allows her to remain at home, saving for the time, after the first of the year when I start traveling again. I am happy to do it.

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