Sunday, May 18, 2008

I can tell

That summer is coming, just by looking at my home.

A is already home for the summer from UNC and is dominating life around the house with everything she brought home. She is purely type A, and must have a schedule weeks in advance. (As an example, when we visit family in Toledo, A wants to know exactly what is happening and when, so K and I would make up departure times and activities just to get her to focus elsewhere. When these things did not happen, we said plans changed.)

We have also been over to C's school bringing stuff home for the summer. One van full so far. and we are not close to done. C has 7 days of classes, then finals and will be home on June 7th.

It is OK as when both A and C are at home, they get along quite well and do many things together when there is time.


Carol P. said...

So does A read your blog? You're not supposed to spill parental secrets!

DF said...

A reads the blog only infrequently, so there is little concern that I will reveal secret parnetal strategy or something new.