Saturday, January 20, 2007

Some random thoughts from a recent trip..

To FL, I did not take any more pictures, so you will have to suffice with the previously posted pic's below. We never left the Marriott Resort during daylight hours and every day looked the same, minimal fluorescent lights in a conference room with a temperature too warm to stay awake watching presenters read to a college educated audience mindless PowerPoint presentation after PowerPoint presentation while outside is was mostly sunny with a high around 8oF. We got to see the outside at lunch for about 15 minutes, then back to the cave. When we finished at 5PM we had about 45 minutes of daylight left before the sun went down, but there were more "small group" meetings to attend for discussions of what had been discussed, before going to dinner at 7PM, so that sun was missed as well.

At dinner, it was watching many people drink heavily to numb the pain of the day and to begin numbing the pain of tomorrow. Then, back to the hotel bar where those same people drank heavily. Sometimes, it was fun to watch, knowing how silly they looked. I feel sad for them, however, that their personal lives are not full enough without drowning the world with $750 bar tabs. It was good, however, to see one of the guys at the meeting. His youngest daughter, age 27, died tragically on Christmas day and getting together to focus on something other than his daughter seemed to lift him a bit and help the grieving process along. I pray for his strength.

There were 4 of us that did not drink, so if and when we left the Marriott for any reason, we were the designated drivers to keep things safe.

I came back from FL just as white as I went. I guess they did not want us to taste what we are missing. And this is to be a reward for a year of hard work! I hope we do not have a bad year.

Thanks for the cold, whomever gave it to me.


Carol P. said...

I saw the greatest line in the Wall Street Journal a couple of months ago. Powerpoint presentations as "Corporate Karaoke." Just about perfectly describes it.

Glad you're home, and hope the cold is over soon.

DF said...

I like that "Corporate Karaoke" and will somehow work that into the beginning of my next mandated PPP at work. I tend to be minimalist as I am the presenter, not the PP, but they demand that I put most of information on the slides in the name of "for future reference". I should also start some music and Rap the presentation. Could be fun.