Friday, January 12, 2007

Was it something I ate?

Beginning last Saturday Evening, I noticed a weird itching sensation on my hands. I paid little attention to it. It got a little worse on Sunday and Monday, but noting that could not be tolerated.

I left on Tuesday to go on a business trip to Atlanta, noticing a little more itching. By the time I got to Atlanta, with business stops in Charlotte, NC and Greenville, SC, there were welts on my hands arms and ears. When I got up on Wednesday AM, my left eye was swollen nearly shut. I called my business contact in Atlanta and told him that I was unable to meet with him for the planned sales calls (I looked like a figure from a horror film) and told him I was going to the doctor.

I drove home (my philosophy is that if it is within ~7 driving hours, drive it, because the process of using commercial air service takes 7 hours to get almost anywhere) and went to the doctor.

The doctor indicated that they did not know the cause, called it "contact dermatitis" and gave me a steroid cream to stop the swelling and itching. Occasionally a new blister show up, but when it does, I put some 'roid cream on it and the itching and blister go away in a very short time. So, I am no longer eligible for any Hall of Fame and fear the Grand Jury and Congressional testimony, but I am much better.

No pictures of this, because it was gross. Now to figure out what I ate or touched to caused this.


Carol P. said...

Yeesh, sounds like no fun at all! Hope you figure it out soon!

Anonymous said...

You know little N had the same type of allergic reaction to Red Dye 40. Welts and Hives everywhere. I had a similar but localized (elastic on my waistband)allergic reaction to latex. Later, an allergic reaction to a glove with latex produced similar hives. I'm thinking that you may have rubbed your eye with whatever was the offending agent. I hope you are feeling better.

DF said...

Had a weird outbreak today after eating dinner, which consisted of hamburgers from on the stove, ketchup, bun, deep fried french fries and a diet coke. The only common things that I can think of during this whole thing is the Diet Coke. During my trip to FL, I will eliminate diet drinks sweetened with Aspartame and see if that helps.

JO said...

Eliminating dc's might make a difference...but also, it could be that you are heading down the path of some of the rest of the family (me, AW, Dad, etc.)...of having killer skin allergies that are sensitive to the most silly things (deoderants, soaps, dishwashing soaps, laundry detergents, mold spores in the air if you have had a lot of rain, cold weather, red dyes, and the list goes on and on!