Wednesday, April 23, 2008


For my Dad and brother. I was traveling in northern NJ recently and decided to visit some old stomping grounds. Yes, I stopped at 23 Corona Road in East Brunswick. The hills were not as big as my memory indicated, but the house was little different. The neighborhood was as I remembered. The road entering the subdivision on the south was now not allowing left turns as it is a very busy road.

The new owners had sided the house, but were not home when I knocked on their door. The school R and I attended had added multiple classrooms, so much of the playground was now classroom.

The picture reminds me of one with Pop and Grandma in front of the house with checker board windows. If I recall correctly, the boy bedroom was the upper right window, the one I threw a toy sword through. (Great story to be told when little kids are not around so there are no bad ideas placed in their heads).

We moved from this house in 1964 to Jeannette so Mom could have my sister C, living with Aunt P for 3 or so months and then on to Toledo where Dad had been transferred.

[Begin Music] Memories, like the corners of my mind...for the way we were...[/Music]

1 comment:

meh said...

Awwwwww I was not yet around - was not even a twinkle in my dad's eye - but I have heard stories of the F family in Jersey. So sweet that you returned.