Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Speaking of Transition

Beginning this weekend, we start to become a family again. C is home for an extended weekend at home. C then goes back for a couple of weekends, then home for Memorial day and then finals for her. Home for the summer by June 6th.

By attending NCSSM, C needs to have 60 hours of volunteer work for some non-profit agency over the summer. No problem you say, but C has a summer full time job at a camp for challenged kids and adults that lasts 8 weeks, and is doing her GS Gold award project his summer. This summer is going to be busy for C and for K.

A has finals next week, so will be home the following weekend for the summer. There will be a huge transition for her from the hectic life of a college sophomore to that of daughter of D and K.

This should be quite a transition for all 4 of us. We miss them when they are attending school.

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