Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pray for A

A is taking Organic II with a new professor. This professor has not taught at the college level before and is causing many of the Organic Chemistry students anguish. So much so that the average on a recent test was 34, with no one scoring higher than a 50.

A has put lots of work in for this class, appears to understand and can apply the materials presented in the text, no all night cramming sessions. Just solid study habits for 2 solid weeks before the exams, along with keeping up on the day to day work for this class.

The Professor gave an in class assignment for the students to work and not a single student had the correct answer (according to the Professors statement in class after reviewing the work).

A is currently managing a "C", but is getting frustrated at the Professor for giving tests worthy of graduate studies. Pray that she can focus for the next 3 weeks and finish the class with the "C".

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